Crazy About – Ptilotus Exaltatus ‘Joey’
The spectacular, long lasting, 3” conical spikes of silvery feathery bottlebrush-shaped flowers tipped with neon pink bloom late spring through fall. Sometimes known as Mulla Mulla. It is heat and drought tolerant and ideal for rock, Mediterranean, desert gardens, drifts as well as outstanding in mixed containers and it attracts bees and butterflies. What more could you ask for?
Hydrangea paniculata
Spectacular, elongated conical flower clusters begin blooming in July in lime, red, or pink and can last well into Fall. Depending upon the variety, the blooms can change color over the season – some from white to green to a dusty pink as they mature. They are prized in both cut flower as well in dried arrangements.
Typically Hydrangea p. grows…
Selecting a Pot – Outdoor Plants
Selecting an appropriate pot for an outdoor plant can be perplexing. We find many people underestimate the size of container they need and are inclined to select a pot that looks good with the plant at its current size. Here are some pointers on what to consider when selecting your pottery.
Miracle of Mycorrhizae
Mycorrhizae are a collection of many species of beneficial soil fungi that help nourish a host plant. The fungi produce very fine threads (hyphae) that attach to the plant’s roots and serve as an extension of the plant’s root system. This enlarged root system permits the plant to penetrate deeper into the soil to obtain additional moisture and nutrients. Healthy soils are rich in mycorrhizal species and essential for a water efficient landscape. Read More…
Cute Cuphea
Adding Cuphea to your garden helps create a hummingbird haven and provides a non-stop color show from spring until frost. Producing an abundance of tubular blossoms in orange, neon pink, purple, red, white, yellow and bi-color combinations, Cuphea brightens the garden while attracting hummingbirds and other pollinators.
Butterfly Gardens, Include Caterpillars
Who doesn’t dream of a beautiful garden filled with flowers and butterflies fluttering around? A butterfly garden is a sanctuary for butterflies to feed and thrive. However, it is easy to forget that butterflies come with the dreaded caterpillars…
Captivating Cercis
Cercis canadensis, commonly called Eastern Redbud, are noted for their stunning, tiny rose-purple, red, magenta, pink or white pea-like flowers which bloom profusely in clusters of 4 – 8 on bare dark branches in early spring (March-April) before the foliage emerges. Heart shaped, glossy leaves in bright green, purple, or multi-colored, depending upon the variety, stay attractive throughout the summer.
Alluring Asclepias
Let’s all do our part to help restore the Monarch Butterflies by planting Milkweed, the only food source for the caterpillars as they grow. There are many species which the caterpillars feed upon. Learn about the different varieties and the considerations in making the proper choice in this feature.
Smokin' Cotinus
Billowing clusters of smoke-like plumes top these beautiful shrubs of green, purple or chartreuse foliage. The brightly colored new foliage in spring, blooms through summer, fall foliage colors of yellow through orange, and the architectural branching structure visible in winter all combine to bring seasonal interest throughout the year. They make a striking statement as a specimen or accent focus in your garden.
Hydrangeas - Endless Summer
Endless Summer Hydrangeas bring a riot of color to the garden with their vibrant, huge flowers. There truly is no plant that can rival them for late-spring and summer color. Great for part sun to lightly shaded spots in the garden. Learn more about them here.
The Benefits of Top Dressing
Top Dressing your garden with a nutrient rich blend of compost is considered to be the most beneficial practice in the entire garden. Read about the benefits here.
Superb Sedum - Large Leaf
Sedum has two basic forms: one is low growing and creeping, the other is upright and rounded in growth. This article discusses the larger, upright growing type. With their unique foliage, form and an extended bloom time, they truly are a gem in any garden.
Fancy Foliage Pelargoniums
When you think of Pelargoniums, we are sure brightly colored, ball-shaped clusters of flowers comes to mind. That could change once you get your eyes on these Fancy Foliage Pelargoniums with their foliage which ranges in colors from chartreuse, smokey black, bronze, rusty red and include intriguing bi-colors.
Showy Sempervivum
Add a year-round color show to your garden with Sempervivum. The colors change dramatically throughout the year and add unexpected seasonal changes.
Marvelous Mangave
The first identified Mangave is a naturally occurring, hybrid from the genus Manfreda and Agave which was originally found in Mexico. Since the identification of the parentage, much work has been put into the development of new varieties