2025 Rose Selections
We select our roses based on their previous performance here in the East Bay area. We have made these selections based on their popularity and, more importantly, their performance. We have kept in mind that you want the easiest, most carefree roses in your garden. To keep things interesting we add the most promising new varieties for any given year.
Roses in this class are:
• Great roses for beginning gardeners.
• Free blooming from Spring - Fall.
• Flowers typically borne in clusters.
• Disease resistance
• Low maintenence
Roses in this class are:
• Free blooming from Spring - Fall.
• Disease resistance
• Low-ish maintenance
• Larger growing than Floribundas
• Good as a hedge or planted in a border garden.
Hybrid Teas
Roses in this class are:
• Most popular Class of rose
• Produces a single flower per stem
• Used as the standard florist cut roses
• Blooms in cycles from Spring - Fall.
• Disease resistance
• Higher maintenance
Climbing Roses
Climbing roses form long, typically flexible canes that can climb a trellis or arbor or cover a fence. They are typically much larger growing than the other classes of roses which makes them good wall and fence covers.
Tree Roses
Tree roses are not a class of rose but rather a form. These roses are grown in a manner as to form a lolly-pop shape, or small tree. This form of rose has its buds grafted at the top of a straight trunk which allows for nearly any rose variety to be grown in this manner. You will find that we carry Hybrid Teas, Grandifloras, and Floribundas all which are grown in this form.