Learning Library
Here you will find articles which are a bit more in depth covering a wide variety of topics. All are written to help you better understand your dynamic garden and the care it needs.
General Garden Topics
Why dormant spray? Dormant Spraying is used for two reasons: one is to help control insects, the other is to control fungal diseases. You will have better crops and possibly eliminate the need to spray by reducing insects and diseases in the coming year.
Selecting an appropriate pot for an outdoor plant can be perplexing. We find many people underestimate the size of container they need and are inclined to select a pot that looks good with the plant at its current size. Here are some pointers on what to consider when selecting your pottery.
Mycorrhizae are a collection of many species of beneficial soil fungi that help nourish a host plant. The fungi produce very fine threads (hyphae) that attach to the plant’s roots and serve as an extension of the plant’s root system. This enlarged root system permits the plant to penetrate deeper into the soil to obtain additional moisture and nutrients. Healthy soils are rich in mycorrhizal species and essential for a water efficient landscape. Read More…
Give your plants a winning path to becoming vigorous, drought tolerant and resistant to insects and disease. The first year is crucial to provide plants a strong start in life.
Top Dressing your garden with a nutrient rich blend of compost is considered to be the most beneficial practice in the entire garden. Read about the benefits here.
Vermiculture, Worm Composting, Worm Farming - whatever you call it, it is a great way to recycle many of your kitchen scraps into a super fertilizer. Worm castings and tea feed your plants while boosting their immunity and resistance to insects and diseases.
What are Chill Hours, are they important and how they apply to fruit trees you may want or have in your garden.
Ladybugs - Cute bugs with a voracious appetite for the pest insects in your garden. Learn More about them.
Fruit Tree care:
What are Chill Hours, are they important and how they apply to fruit trees you may want or have in your garden.
Are your citrus leaves always yellow? Follow the guidelines in this article to cure the problem and get larger crops.
Did your fruit tree leaf out with red, twisted, thickened, and deformed leaves? If so, you might want to read this.
What Is On My Plant?
Mealybugs, pesky invaders of our indoor and outdoor green spaces, are among the most common and persistent pests that gardeners and plant enthusiasts encounter. Despite their diminutive size, these tiny insects can wreak havoc on our beloved plants if left unchecked. They can impede plant growth…
These fascinating insects are a true marvel. Their ability to capture prey three times their size and their voracious appetites make them a choice for controlling a wide variety of insects. This comes at an expense. Follow these tips for the best practices when using Mantids for insect control.
Seemingly overnight did the flower buds or new growth on the plants in your garden get covered with small, soft, bud? Normally it would seem impossible for an infestation of that magnitude to occur overnight, unless you have Aphids! Read more about these annoying pest insects…
Powdery Mildew - you don’t want it in your garden. This article covers ways to prevent and control Powdery Mildew.
Ladybugs - Cute bugs with a voracious appetite for the pest insects in your garden. Learn More about them.
Does the inside of your citrus leaf look like an overhead view of a twisting country road? The silvery paths are created by the Citrus Leafminer. Read about care and treatment in this article.
Holey Apples? Here is a guide to managing the downright destructive moth and their caterpillars that destroy your apples.
Did your fruit tree leaf out with red, twisted, thickened, and deformed leaves? If so, you might want to read this.
Holey Apples? Here is a guide to managing the downright destructive moth and their caterpillars that destroy your apples.