The Benefits of Top Dressing
The Benefits of Top Dressing

The Benefits of Top Dressing
Top Dressing is the practice of spreading compost or other nutritive mulch-like material over the soil of gardens, lawns, raised beds, planted pots or trees. This is a simple technique that if faithfully followed, is one of the most beneficial maintenance tasks in the garden.
This is distinct from adding a layer of decorative or un-composted bark over your soil, which does not provide these benefits.
The results from top dressing can be transformational. The practice is recommended annually and the advantages include:
Increased soil organic matter
Replenished nutrients
Improved soil structure
Conserved water through improved retention
Cooling of the soil
Suppressed weeds
Enhanced bacterial action and mycorrhizal fungi
Vigorous growth of plants
Top dressing involves spreading a layer of material 1” to 2” thick over the surface of your perennial or planting beds and around trees, preferably during spring or fall. For lawn areas, top dress with a thin layer, 1/4” thick over the entire surface then rake it in. It is most effective after dethatching or core aerating.
Top Dressing can also be beneficial for potted plants that may be too awkward for repotting or are showing signs of nutrient deficiency. Gently remove the top layer of potting soil down to the root ball and replace with the top dressing material.
If you use decorative bark as a finish in your garden, you will need to rake it aside before spreading the topdressing. Replace the bark after applying, in order to keep the material from blowing away from weather conditions or leaf blowers.
We encourage using either mature compost or rich soil amendments depending on what you are top dressing.
We recommend:

Soil Conditioner by Bumper Crop
A blend of organic materials including aged fir bark, compost, earthworm castings, bat guano, and kelp. Inoculated with endo and ecto mycorrhizal fungi. Our most recommended product for use throughout the garden.

Paydirt by Master Nursery
A blend of chicken manure, redwood sawdust, peat moss, and mushroom compost. Very nutrient dense, great for veggie beds or lawns.

Organic Compost by E.B. Stone
This is composted green waste. No added animal products like manure or bone meal.