Blueberry varieties are distinguished by their climate suitability and ripening season. It has long been the standard that the Northern varieties have the best flavor; it is our feeling that many of Southern varieties have been bred to match the excellence in flavor as that of the Northern varieties. We have chosen to carry only the Southern varieties.
Southern High-bush blueberries offer gardeners in the Bay Area an opportunity to enjoy bountiful crops of blueberries as they are specifically hybridized for superior fruit, soil adaptability, heat tolerance, and low winter chill requirements. This makes them particularly suitable for coastal areas of California as well as the inland valleys.
Most Southern High-bush are self-pollinating but the berries will be larger if two varieties are planted together.
You may want to select varieties that ripen at different times or feature large fruit (best for fresh eating and desserts) and/or small fruit (best for muffins and pancakes).
A deciduous shrub; upright, compact growth to 5-6 feet in height with an equal spread.
Small, hot pink, urn-shaped flowers produce very large (the largest of the Southern varieties), mildly sweet, sky blue blueberries. Considered one of the highest yielding of the Southern varieties. Self-fertile; low chilling; ripens mid-season.
Best in full sun to part shade; thrives on coast or in inland heat.
Best in cool, moist, acidic, well drained soil; mulch warm soils with 4-6 inches of bark. Performs well in heavier soils.
A deciduous shrub; upright, compact growth to 5-6 feet in height with an equal spread.
Small, hot pink, urn-shaped flowers produce very large, tangy, sky blue blueberries. Self-fertile; low chilling; ripens early to mid-season. Best fruit production with regular summer water.
Considered one of the toughest of the Southern varieties; performs well in heavier soils.
Best in full sun to part shade; thrives on coast or in inland heat. Needs cool, moist, acidic, well drained soil; mulch warm soils with 4-6 inches of bark.
A deciduous shrub; upright, compact growth to 5-6 feet in height with an equal spread.
Small, hot pink, urn-shaped flowers produce medium-sized to large, sweet, sky blue blueberries with light green foliage. Self-fertile; low chilling; ripens midseason. Best fruit production with regular summer water.
Considered one of the toughest of the Southern varieties; performs well in heavier soils.
Best in full sun to part shade; thrives on coast or in inland heat. Needs cool, moist, acidic, well drained soil; mulch warm soils with 4-6 inches of bark.
A deciduous shrub; upright to slightly spreading growth to 5-6 feet in height with an equal spread. Small, hot pink, urn-shaped flowers produce medium-sized to large, sweet blueberries. Self-fertile; low chilling; ripens early.
Best in full sun to part shade; thrives on coast or in inland heat. Needs cool, moist, acidic, well drained soil; mulch warm soils with 4-6 inches of bark.
Best fruit production with regular summer water.
A deciduous shrub; upright to slightly spreading growth to 5-6 feet in height with an equal spread.
Small, hot pink, urn-shaped flowers produce medium-sized to large, sweet blueberries. Considered the best flavor of the Southern varieties. Self-fertile; low chilling; ripens very early. Best fruit production with regular summer water.
Best in full sun to part shade; thrives on coast or in inland heat. Needs cool, moist, acidic, well drained soil; mulch warm soils with 4-6 inches of bark.
A deciduous shrub; upright to slightly spreading growth to 4-6 feet in height with an equal spread.
Provides 4 seasons of color; small, pinkish-white, bell-shaped flowers produce medium, sweet, pink colored berries; the fruit emerges pale green, changes to dappled pink, and turns to deep pink upon ripening. Ripens mid to late in the season.
In fall, the glossy green leaves turn golden yellow, then bright orange.
Self-fertile but does better when planted with another blueberry cultivar; low chilling.
Best in full sun to part shade.
Needs cool, moist, acidic, well drained soil; mulch warm soils with 4-6 inches of bark.
A deciduous shrub; upright to slightly spreading growth to 5-6 feet in height with an equal spread.
Small, hot pink, urn-shaped flowers produce large, sweet, dark blue berries with exceptional flavor. Self-fertile; low chilling; ripens mid-July. Best fruit production with regular summer water.
Best in full sun to part shade; thrives on coast or in inland heat. Needs cool, moist, acidic, well drained soil; mulch warm soils with 4-6 inches of bark.
An evergreen to deciduous shrub; mounding, compact growth to 2-3 feet in height with an equal spread.
Small, white, urn-shaped flowers in spring produce clusters of large, sweet blueberries, with a unique, mild, pineapple flavor, in summer and fall.
Unique leaves resembling Eucalyptus will have a hint of silver throughout the spring and early summer before turning emerald green by fall.
Best in full sun to part shade.
Needs cool, moist, acidic, well drained soil; mulch warm soils with 4-6 inches of bark.
A semi-evergreen to deciduous shrub; upright, compact growth to 5-6 feet in height with an equal spread.
Small, pinkish-white, urn-shaped flowers produce large to very large, delicious, sky blue blueberries; exceptional fruit. Does exceptionally well in lighter, sandy soils with generous additions of organic matter. Self-fertile; low chilling; ripens midseason to late. Best fruit production with regular summer water.
Best in full sun to part shade; thrives on coast or in inland heat. Needs cool, moist, acidic, well drained soil; mulch warm soils with 4-6 inches of bark.
A deciduous shrub; upright to slightly spreading growth to 6-7 feet in height with an equal spread.
Small, pink buds open to white, urn-shaped flowers produce large, sweet blueberries. Self-fertile; low chilling; ripens early. Best fruit production with regular summer water.
Best in full sun to part shade; thrives on coast or in inland heat.
Needs cool, moist, acidic, well drained soil; mulch warm soils with 4-6 inches of bark.
An evergreen shrub; high branched, compact growth to 3 feet in height with an equal spread.
Small, hot pink, urn-shaped flowers produce large crops of dime-sized, firm, delicious, powder blue berries with a unique, tangy flavor. Self-fertile; low chilling; ripens mid-July. Best fruit production with regular summer water.
Best in full sun to part shade. Needs cool, moist, acidic, well drained soil; mulch warm soils with 4-6 inches of bark; tolerates higher pH than other blueberries.
A deciduous shrub; upright to slightly spreading growth to 4-6 feet in height with an equal spread.
Small, white, urn-shaped flowers produces a rare, multiple yielding crop of medium-large, sweet, dusky blue berries with exceptional flavor. The heaviest crop ripens in late May-early June with a second crop in August.
Self-fertile; low chilling.
Best in full sun to part shade. Needs cool, moist, acidic, well drained soil; mulch warm soils with 4-6 inches of bark.
Best fruit production with regular summer water.
A semi-evergreen (warm climates) to deciduous shrub; upright to slightly spreading growth to 3-4 feet in height with a narrower spread.
Small, white, urn-shaped flowers produce medium-sized, super sweet berries. Self-fertile; low chilling; ripens late July. Best fruit production with regular summer water.
Dramatic blue foliage (the bluest to date).
Best in full sun to part shade. Needs cool, moist, acidic, well drained soil; mulch warm soils with 4-6 inches of bark.