Hydrangeas - Endless Summer

Hydrangeas - Endless Summer

An image of the Blue flowered hydrangea 'Bailmer'

‘Bailmer’:  3-6’x3-6’   8” Clusters of clear blue flowers bloom late spring through fall.  Flowers will turn pink in alkaline soils. 

Hydrangeas – Endless Summer

Endless Summer Hydrangeas are cherished deciduous shrubs with stunning, colorful blooms and a symmetrical, rounded, vigorous growth habit. The dense, shiny, coarsely toothed, dark green foliage creates the perfect backdrop to their magnificent blossoms. Their flowers range in color in shades of pink, blue, purple, red and white in both mophead (rounded balls) and lacecap (large, flat, plate-like) shapes that bloom from late spring to late summer. The color of blooms is dependent on both the Hydrangea variety and soil pH. The deepest blues are achieved in acidic soils with an ample amount of aluminum and a pH below 6.0. The pinks, purples, and reds are formed when grown in soils with a pH above 6.0. With the continuous blooming of these Hydrangeas, it is best to treat them twice a year with either Lime, to raise the pH, or Aluminum Sulfate to lower it. The first application should be in late January or February, the second in May or early June. The flowers on untreated plants will either lighten in color and may become greenish white with just a blush of color in the petals or naturally become pink since the pH of our Bay Area soils are commonly near or above the 6.o needed to keep them blue. 

An image of the deep pink flowered hydrangea 'Summer Crush'

‘Summer Crush’ (Bailmactive): 3’x3’  8” Clusters of raspberry red or neon purple flowers.  Best color when soil is heavily limed; best purple flower color when soil is treated with aluminum sulphate. 

An image of the light pink flowered lace-cap hydrangea 'Twist N Shout'

‘Twist-n-Shout’ (Plll-lM-l):  3-6’x3-6’  Lacy center of small flowers of pink or blue.  Best pink to purple when soil is heavily limed, best blue flower color when soil treated with aluminum.    

An image of the rose pink flowered hydrangea 'Bloom Struck'

‘Bloom Struck’: 3-4’x4-6’, 8” clusters of rose pink, purple, or blue flowers. Blooms for a longer period than other varieties. Flower color is dependent on pH.

An image of the white flowered hydrangea 'Blushing Bride'

‘Blushing Bride’: 3-6’x3-6’  8” Clusters of mophead pure white flowers, with semi-double florets which mature to blush pink. 

Culture: Plant in part sun to light shade in well-drained soil rich with organic matter.  Provide regular deep water and fertilize in early spring, early and late summer.   Remove spent flowers and prune to maintain size and shape to encourage repeat blooms. Endless Summer Hydrangeas bloom on the previous year’s stems as well as the new season’s stems. They are outstanding as a specimen, accent, foundation plantings, containers and perennial flower borders.   

We recommend: 


Apply Hydra-Blue as recommended on the packaging to turn and keep your Hydrangeas blue.

Apply Earth Science’s Fast Acting Lime to develop the pink, purple, or red colors in your hydrangeas.


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