Miracle of Mycorrhizae
Miracle of Mycorrhizae
Mycorrhizae are a collection of many species of beneficial soil fungi that help nourish a host plant. The fungi produce very fine threads (hyphae) that attach to the plant’s roots and serve as an extension of the plant’s root system. This enlarged root system permits the plant to penetrate deeper into the soil to obtain additional moisture and nutrients. The plant supports the fungus by providing carbohydrates needed for fungal growth, while the fungus helps the plant by increasing its root surface area and contributing to a healthy soil.
Healthy soils are rich in mycorrhizal species and essential for a water efficient landscape. Organic matter, soil structure and nutrient levels all contribute to the fertility and health of soil. Mycorrhizae work with both the plant and each of these elements in a more efficient manner than the plant can on its own. Additionally, Mycorrhizae improve the structure of the soil through enhanced organic matter breakdown while increasing soil fertility by expanding the plant’s ability to utilize nutrients from added nutrients and even rock. Although they colonize naturally, adding a supplemental source can be especially effective when planting. Many mycorrhizal species are unable to function when soil chemistry is altered by the introduction of pollutants such as synthetic fertilizers and fungicides.
Benefits of mycorrhizae:
• Reduction of irrigation requirement.
• Reduction of need to fertilize.
• Increased drought resistance.
• Increased pathogen resistance.
• Increased plant health and stress tolerance.
• Build and maintain soil structure.
• Improved plant survival, establishment and transplanting.
Cultural Practices that can increase the number and biodiversity of mycorrhizal species.
• Avoid tilling the soil which can disrupt the mycorrhizal web beneath the soil surface.
• Reduce pesticide use when possible.
• Increase diversity of plant materials.
• Avoid excessive fertilizer applications, especially of those containing phosphate.
• Avoid over-watering.
• Add organic matter to the soil.
• Avoid applying fungicide directly to the soil, which will kill the fungi.
We carry a wide selection of fertilizers and additives which contain Endo Mycorrhizae:
• E.B.Stone Organic Fertilizers
• Recipe 420 Fertilizers
• Plant Success Organics Granular and Water Soluble Mycorrhizae products