Cute Cuphea
‘Blackberry Sparkler’
• Grows 18-24” x 24 – 26”
• White tubular flower with red-black tips.
Cute Cuphea
Cuphea produce an abundance of small, tubular blossoms in orange, neon pink, purple, red, white, yellow and bi-color combinations on a compact evergreen sub-shrub with a loose arching growth habit. Though typically known as Cigar Plant due to the tubular shape of the flowers on many varieties, other varieties have common names like ‘Bat Faced Cuphea’ or ‘Firecracker Plant’. These names are attributed to other features and variations in the flower that may include two large petals at the end of the tubular blossom that give the appearance of ears. They are outstanding in the garden as accents, borders, in masses and in containers. They bloom from late spring to frost and are self-cleaning, requiring no deadheading.
Culture: Plant in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil, rich in organic matter. Provide regular water and fertilize monthly during the growing season. They are drought tolerant after establishment (one year). Prune or pinch back in late spring to maintain a neat shape, encourage new growth and stimulate rebloom. They attract hummingbirds and other pollinators and tend to be pest-resistant. Native to the Americas, there are approximately 250 species in the family.
Our customers love them all - it’s too hard to pick favorites. Enjoy!
‘Hummingbirds Lunch’
• Grows 12-18” x 2-3’
• Bright cherry red, two-toned tubular 1 inch flowers tipped in bright yellow.
‘Star Fire’
• Grows 1-2’ x 1-2’
• Lavender, pink, tubular flowers with a white tip and dark ring.
‘Cubano Cristo’
• Grows 12-18’ x 12-18”
• Bright magenta burgundy, tubular flowers with white accent and purple tips.
'Tiny Mice'
• Grows 12-23” x 24 – 36”
• Dark red fuzzy tubular flower with red ruffled mouse-like ear petals and purple “eyes”.
Kristin’s Delight’
• Grows 3-4’ x 4-6’
• Tubes are fuchsia-pink and lavender at the mouth with violet” ears” rising from the tube lip. Blooms nearly all year long.
'Minnie Mouse'
• Grows - 2-3’ x 2-3’
• Red orange bat faced flowers with burgundy mouse ears.
• Grows 18-24” x 12-24”
• Red orange flowers with yellow tips.
• Grows 10-12” x 14 – 20”
• Cherry red tubes with creamy yellow tips.