What is the Best Time of Year to Plant ?
What is the Best Time of Year to Plant ?

Thanks @johnmcclane
Best Time of Year to Plant - Fall
Yes, it’s now! Fall is absolutely the best time of year to plant most trees, shrubs, bulbs and perennials here in the Bay Area. There are vegetables and herbs that grow well in fall, too, especially greens, cole crops (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower) and root vegetables.
Fall’s milder climate, warm soil temperatures carried over from summer, and the plants’ natural process of moving food to the roots for winter storage, all combine to help quickly establish root systems, even as the night temperature begins to drop. With the shorter days and cooler air temperatures, plants spend less energy on growing foliage and flowers and more on building a strong root system. The cooler temperatures also reduce the risk of heat stress on new plants.
Planting in fall gives them a head start on growth the following spring - they will grow at a much faster rate than if you had waited until spring to plant.
Other things to consider when fall planting:
It is helpful to mulch and top dress with compost to nourish the plant through winter and help insulate plants from the cold.
Many pests and diseases that flourish in spring and summer are not as prevalent in fall.
Fall-planted perennials also provide sustenance and habitat late in the season and early in spring to support pollinators like birds, bees and butterflies.
Plants sensitive to overly wet soils or cold such as most cacti and tropicals should be planted with caution.