Talavera - Functional Art

Talavera - Functional Art

Talavera Pottery 

Our festive bright Talavera ceramics will add a burst of color and cheer to your home or garden.  Our favorite majolica pottery (earthenware) is created in a family workshop in Redding, California that imports hand-thrown unglazed pottery from Puebla and Guanajuato, Mexico.  They hand decorate, glaze and refire the pottery in the tradition of Talavera which dates to the 16th century.  The technique originated in Talavera de la Reina in Spain and was introduced by Spanish potters. This popular form of folk art is considered to be a mixture of Chinese, Italian, Spanish and indigenous ceramic techniques and influences. Today, we see new and exciting variations in patterns and designs as the newest generation of artists bring their visions and style to this centuries old functional art form.    

An Image of some of the brightly colored Talavera pottery we carry.

The ceramics are traditionally utilitarian.  We carry a collection of: 

  • Bowls 

  • Flowerpots 

  • Urns 

  • Vases 

  • Decorative animals and objects 

The patterns are typically of two types:  cobalt blue and white or a mix of bright colors.  They also use a decorative technique on some vessels of raised paint dots or curved lines.   


Citrus - Managing Yellow leaves


Soil Testing