Crazy About - Berzelia

Crazy About - Berzelia

Crazy About - Berzelia

Berzelia is an unusual evergreen shrub with clusters of striking creamy white to pale yellow flowers blooming in late winter to early spring.  It is also known as coffee bush or cotton bush and native to the Western Cape of South Africa.  The foliage is feathered, bright green and needle-like on graceful branches.  Their flowers are highly prized for cut flower arrangements. 

An image of B. Albiflora in bloom.

Berzelia albiflora is a shrub with clusters of flat headed, coffee scented white flowers, with yellow stamen that bloom in late winter to early spring.  It is 6-8’ tall with a narrower spread.  It is single stem but well branched with long, slender branches with very fine feathered bright green, soft textured foliage.  The tiny white flowers open in a ring, starting at the outside and working inwards, aging to a creamy yellow. The flowers will drop and green seed pods form that eventually turn brown that can remain on the shrub for many years.  They like full sun to partial shade and prefer moist but well-drained, soil that is rich in organic matter.   It can be frost tender. 

an image of B. lanuginose in bloom.

Berzelia lanuginose has terminal spikes of miniature, ball-like flower buds that open to clusters of bushy, creamy white to pale yellow flowers in late winter to early spring.  The flowers are followed by round, green to reddish seed pods that can remain on the plant for several years.  It is an upright vase-shaped shrub 4-6’ in height with an equal spread.  It has long, slender branches with small, narrow light-green feathery leaves.  It likes full sun to partial shade and prefer moist but well-drained, soil that is rich in organic matter.   Remove spent flowers (unless seed pods are desired) and prune lightly to maintain a compact shape.  It can be frost-tender. 

A close-up image of B Lanuginose foliage and flower

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